Thursday, April 26, 2012

Toddlers and Technology

In class on Tuesday we talked about how kids in this generation are growing with technology. I mean, I did grow up with a Playstation 1 and things like that, but now kids are learning to play games and use technology before they can even read and write. Apart of me wants to be like ‘that’s horrible for the child. How is a 4 year old going to learn how to play on the iPad or play the Wii before the child is even able to learn to write his/her own name”, but at the same time I’m like ‘well, this could be a good thing since kids are learning to think and use a different side of their brain which could possibly help them in the long run.’ Also, there are a lot of educational games that can be played on the Wii and iPad to help children learn and think through things that they may not get in class otherwise. So in the future if they do end up making a Primer that tailors specifically to my child, I think that I may end up getting one for him/her (depending on the price).  I feel like it can help with my child educationally, developmentally, and mentally, and what mother doesn’t want that for their child?
This is TOO CUTE!! :)